28 June 2010

retina tag

Subconscious message left on retina.
This is an unusal experience but based on an everyday phenomenon.
As soon as a stronger light hits our retina it becomes loaded with the experience.. I was examining the situation and realised that it's able to "remember" more than one effect. Can you see the word "shakespeare" inscribed? They are fragments of a whole so well-positioned flashes set "hamlet" in our subconscious. The lovely thing in this is that it's visible but has never been introduced. As I started my visual research and trials I started to build an outcome of the showcase. I originally planned to introduce this in a theater but for a first contact experience I created the box. The pieces on the left side - of the middle picture - expose that simple 'finger powered' mechanism, witch makes the slow turns possible.
The beauty of the material kept me thinking and I found myself creating more design-ideas on how to use more of this mechanism in the box.
On the right side of the pieces there are other visually interesting solutions to keep the turning wheel on a luminous box; the hidden message.

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